“Dinah” is a popular song published in 1925 and introduced by Ethel Waters at the Plantation Club on Broadway. It was integrated into the show Kid Boots.[1] The music was written by Harry Akst and the lyrics by Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young. Hit versions in 1926 were by Ethel Waters, The Revelers, Cliff Edwards, and Fletcher Henderson.[2]
One singer, Fannye Rose Shore, became so identified with the song that DJ Martin Block called her “Dinah Shore”, which then stuck as her stage name for the next 50 years.[3]
Music by the Michael Persico Classic Jazz and Swing Orchestra ©2021
For the Classic Jazz Visions Tour
Lori Colombo – Vocals
John Clark – Clarinet and Alto Saxophone
Jeff Hughes – Trumpet
Michael Persico – Trombone and Vocals
Andy Troyanos – Guitar
Mwalim – Piano
Mike Ryle – Bass
Gary Johnson – Drums